Preventing Fire Damage in the Kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most dangerous rooms in your house as it contains many hazards and a high potential for unintentional fires.

Frying Pans and Deep Fry Pans
Using a thermostat-controlled fryer is a great way to prevent deep fry pans fires. Try to eliminate the buildup of fat and grease on the stove or pans as they can easily catch fire.

Oven and Stove
Ovens should be cleaned regularly in order to prevent grease from catching fire.

When cooking, turn the pot handles away from the edge of the stove so you don’t knock them over.
Don’t wear long sleeves that can hang over the stove and catch fire.
Always keep an eye on the oven when it is on, turn it off when not in use.
Place flammable fabrics, such as towels, away from the gas or electric range.

Don’t place flammable liquids such as cleaning products close to the burners.

Avoid overloading electrical outlets and check for worn or broken wiring on a regular basis.
If you find defects be sure to make necessary repairs immediately.
It is also very important to keep appliance cords on the counter to prevent them from, accidentally being pulled down.

Microwave Ovens
A very common mistake regarding microwave ovens is the wrong assumption that items, heated in the microwave oven, are not as hot as items heated in a regular oven or a mini oven.
Remember even if the container may not heat up, the contents inside can.
Be sure all the vents are cleared of obstructions and that the microwave oven has adequate clearance for air circulation.
Never place aluminum foil or other metals in a microwave oven.

What to do after a Fire

We’ve compiled a few expert fire damage restoration tips to help homeowners like yourself in Preventing Fire Damage in the Kitchen

1) Limit movement in the home to prevent spreading smoke contamination and soot particles into fabrics and floor coverings.
2) Keep your hands clean to avoid damage to the walls, wood, or upholstery.
For high-traffic areas, including carpet and rug, place down towels.
3) If the electricity has been shut off, which is highly likely, empty the freezer and refrigerator and open up the doors.
4) Wash any houseplants you have on both sides of the leaves.
5) Swap out the filter on your heating and cooling system.

What Not to do after a Fire

Things to avoid after a fire

1) Do not attempt to wash walls, painted surfaces, carpet, or upholstery without professional help.
2) Do not attempt to clean electrical equipment or appliances that have been damaged in the fire.
3) Do not use canned or packaged food stored near to the fire damage scene.
4) Do not turn on ceiling fixtures if you noticed it’s wet after the fire department put out the fire

We hope these few tips in Preventing Fire Damage in the Kitchen has helped

If you live in Chilliwack or the Fraser Valley and have had a house fire, You’ll find 24-hour fire and smoke damage restoration services with Insurance Restoration Pro. Call here NOW

Call 604-316-7075 For Emergency Assistance

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For the time being, do everything in your power to avoid disturbing the scene and incurring more damage.

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